Friday, October 26, 2007

Munsung's fall festival

This Wednesday was Munsung's annual fall festival. It was a pretty big deal--the children were planning for weeks. Each class (there are 10 classes in each grade) had to plan activities for their classroom, so that meant cooking, designing games, decorating the room, creating fliers and posters, etc. Two or three of the 9th grade classes did movie viewings--you paid 500 won (about 50 cents) and you got to watch a movie (they were showing American horror films) with popcorn and a drink. Many classes had games like darts or other throwing games. Some classes were turned into cafes where they were making healthy shakes, spaghetti, dumplings, cotton candy, and so on. The class to make the most amount of money won some sort of prize. Since I am pretty much the only teacher not to have a homeroom class, I got to walk around from 9:30-12:00, checking out all the classes. The kids were DESPERATE to make money, resorting to physically pulling me in a classroom so I could play a game.
At 1:00, we moved locations to a high school about a block away, since Munsung doesn't have its own auditorium. From 1:30-5:00, we watched performances by the kids. There were many singing and dancing acts, plus some skits and a traditional drumming performance. In the last hour, the head PE teacher had to basically bar the doors to prevent students from leaving--they were all queuing up, trying to get home. It was fun, but after a while, it was so tiring and we just wanted to leave. Kids kept lying, saying they needed to use the bathroom, and would jump ship.

The kids lounging in a classroom before the festivities began. Just liked the lighting here.

Some of the 9th graders in front of a colorful fruit tree...? I don't exactly know what the object of their activity was.

Making carrot health drinks--was too afraid to try.

Here is a reason why I have less pictures of my female students--whenever I put the camera on them, they tend to run.

And I'll end this post with a 45 second video of some of my students in their dance performance. GOLDEN.
How are they so awkward in class and like this on stage?

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