Dean and I met up with the rest of the CUA gang at Gecko's in Itaewon, where we celebrated Thanksgiving with other Americans. Gecko's set up a really nice buffet with turkey, beef, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, etc. It was pretty awesome! We had a chill time just talking and eating until 11 pm.
Overall, this week was really chill. My 9th graders were still taking their final exams during the early part of the week, so I had some days where I was only teaching one or two classes. The classes I *did* have were stellar! Dean and I made a Powerpoint presentation and a quiz game about middle/high school life in America. I did that for half of my classes, then did a tongue twister game with the others. I divided them into four teams, taught them a tongue twister, gave them three minutes to practice, then they had to stand up and recite the tongue twister as fast as they could. The team who could recite it the fastest (without anyone skipping a word) won.
In other news...I think I'm going to adopt 2 cats/kittens! There is a Korean woman in Itaewon who runs a shelter with two other people. She speaks English and Korean fluently (she lived in NYC for 7 years)--I found her number on the internet and called her about adopting a cat. Dean and I are going to go look at them tomorrow afternoon!! I'm excited but slightly nervous.
Me with my Thanksgiving plate. This was the first taste of homestyle cooking I've had since July, so it tasted *amazing*.

It was the last day of my extra class for this session! To celebrate, I bought a cream cake from Paris Baguette, plus some other snacks. We had an English Only Party--so fun.

One of my favorite students. She's quite the little artist who also loves playing soccer (a HUGE rarity in Korea) and wants to be the lead singer of a rock band. I think she and her crazy (but lovable) friend are signing up for my extra class next session.

Our group picture! We all gave each other nicknames, so from left to right they are....The Queen, Magical Princess Seiri, The Princess, Kim Yoo Jin, Rice Boy, Sleeping Pig Bear, Raccoon, Hwang Jini, Moth, and they nicknamed me simply "The King", since I rule all. MUAHAHAHA.

The video of my students practicing "Larry sent the latter a letter later."
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